
Helm herningCentret

Merkurvej 1B, st. 38, 7400 Herning


Helm herningCentret

The leather goods store called Helm at the HerningCenter is an inviting and charming shop. Here you will find wonderful leather bags, purses, shoes and much more.
You will always be greeted by a friendly and helpful staff.

Helm is a family-owned leather goods chain, which today consists of 12 stores spread throughout Jutland and no less than 200 years of experience from the industry. Bags of the most wonderful leather are the core product - you will simply not find a bigger and better selection of bags in Denmark.

Helm also has a web shop called where the huge selection of all the shops can be found.

With Denmark's largest selection and an experience dating back to the foundation of the company in 1873, Helm believes that they can live up to their promise when they say: "we are definitely in the know".

We look forward to seeing you!
